Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Day is Tomorrow

It's Monday, November 3, 2008. Tomorrow, America will choose its President, many senators, and all congressman, along with a host of ballot initiatives and local races. I'll be glad to have the mud-slinging out of the way, at least for a few months; I wish that politicians would realize that these type of ads just turn of the voters, but every election, another crop of nastiness erupts. I'm also very disappointed about the blatent lies that supposed Christians are telling by forwarding email messages full of obviously false "facts" about another Christian, Obama.

This campaign has been way too long; the next one will probably be even longer! I expect that Sarah Palin will begin running for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination a few days from now.

I just hope that all Americans will unite behind the new president, Obama or McCain, at least for a few months. We've been divided as a nation for way too many years.

I have to admit that I'll miss reading all of the political blogs, though.

There's already Christmas music available on a couple of our Comcast music channels, and next Sunday, we're going to hear the Trans-Siberian Orchestra with our friends Les & Keri.

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