Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A nice weekend!

On Saturday afternoon, we went up the Columbia Gorge with our friends Les & Keri. At Mosier, we got off of the freeway and took the old highway. We stopped frequently so that Les and I could take pictures while Joy and Keri chatted away in the car. One of the places was at the Memaloose Overlook, where I took a series of pictures to make a panorama. We then proceeded to Rowena Crest before getting back on I-84 heading west. After a stop for ice cream in Cascade Locks, we stopped at Horsetail and Bridal Veil Falls. It was nice to be able walk mostly normally again!

On Sunday, even though rain had been forecast, the weather turned out nice. I took a walk in Mount Talbert Nature Park, where there were lots of flowers.

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